This next vid comes from Jimmy and needs no intro other when your a pedo who plays with Dolls and live in the Hood even your Postman knows you've been up to no good...afterall, Fred McFeely WAS in the! (Enter: SAILOR MOUTH!)
Jimmmy Kimmel gets F#&$%#d-Up on LOST....this is probably the cream of the creepy can't get more F#&$%#d-Up then this!
How do you turn a gritty, straight-ahead science fiction drama like Fox's late, lamented Sarah Connors Chronicles into a dirty, filthy laugh riot? Simple: Just Insert bleeped-out profanity. The result is pretty damn funny. I see great potential here Roxy....Gratz!
(BTW...Some Turdy Douche Hacked Into My Blogger Recently...Anal MOFO-QFT's!!!)