So it seems that the week long visit to the city of Chicago by Bay and his crew has brung an unintended gift of increased traffic problems for an already overly congested city. http://chicagotribune.com/about-last-night. reports of a news conference held yesterday by the Office of Emergency Management and Communications about the TF3 shoot that is scheduled to run from July 10th to August 19th to tell people about the possible traffic problems the shoot will cause. But the really important part is the bit about how Bay will crap all over Nolan's stupid, yet fan crazy Dark Knight remake which was filmed in the same city just a few years ago.
OEMC Executive Director Jose Santiago said the closures on LaSalle Street (8 p.m. July 9 to 5 a.m. July 12), the Michigan Avenue bridge (8 p.m. July 16 to 5 a.m. July 19) and Upper Wacker Drive (9 p.m. July 18 to 5 a.m. July 22) will have the most impact on traffic. He added that most of the movie's filming in Chicago will take place during daylight.
“It's an ambitious production … but we and the producers are committed to mitigating the disruptions and addressing community concerns,” said Chicago Film Office Director Rich Moskal.
What can locals expect from bayhem — besides the usual traffic jams? Moskal said recently "some of the scenes they're planning to do could match if not exceed the strange stuff seen in Nolan's crazy remake of ‘The Dark Knight.”
Yes, he's talking about the 2008 Batman film that featured openly gay cowboys eating pudding while pretending to be iconic characters and a great big mushroom cloud that leveled an old abandoned chocolate factory previously run by a psychotic pedophille, which because of the current state of the economy recently put his openly flamboyant fudge-packers out of work...Good job Chicogoians.
“Flying debris, flipping trucks, it's the same sort of stuff you usually see being digitaly added afterward". Basicly, only a handful of directors can obtain the special permits and production schedule strategy pull this crap off. It would be great if a Chicago local can get some pictures or video of this whole mess.
BTW...it is this authors opinion that the above statements are just plain silly and seem made up, but entertaining nonetheless...thank you for this ignorant fluff moronic reporters!
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