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Friday, April 28, 2023

Hasbro Greenlights Updated TF-Origins Animated Film?

Next Spring has Yet ANOTHER Transformers Film, Aiming for release Around July 19, 2024 and directed by Josh Cooley (Toy Story 4). Lorenzo Di Bonaventura, One Of The Producers on MANY Transformers Films Since Bay First Took The Helm, Spoke with Collider about This New Origin Story? Providing Additional Information Around It's Various Plotpoints. The Key🔑Takeaways from THIS Interview with di Bonaventura is the Film is Set ENTIRELY on Cybertron, Will Explore the "Origin Story of Warrior; Megatronus, Archivist; #OrionPax; His Friends: Dion (UltraMagnus), KUP (Sentinel) & Girlfriend; Elita-One. Explaining How Orions Admiration Torwards Megatronus, Led To Their Friendship, Orion & His Friends Reformatting...Along with The Rise Of Megatron. He ALSO Described Their "Origin Stories Being Similar To ALL Transformers Torwards That Of Society Itself, Along with What Broke it Apart." The Story is such that they can do a "Natural Trilogy" If The 1st Film is successful enough. As for Why An animated movie, he said " If you tried to make this live-action, it would probably be a billion-dollar movie or something." The key quote on story is below. "You're Going To See ALOT Of Societal Origins and What Broke It Apart. The Analogy FOR ME is A Bit Like #Krypton When You Saw The Planet Falling Apart, and all that. We're not there for a short time, we're there the entire time of the movie, we're on Cybertron, but we are in the challenge that, if you know the lore, they begin to question the hierarchy of how their society has gotten stratified, and how the common man doesn't have the voice, entirely, that they want to have. We're following very true to the origin story of it, and so it's really fun, too, because I've gotten to see some of it – it's not fully executed by any stretch of the imagination, but hearing Optimus and Megatron not as who we know them as, which we see their maturation in this experience. So, in a sense, you're hearing a different character because you're hearing them before they have matured." Until this movie, the only place you could really get an origin story for Autobots vs Decepticons (called the Great War) that has been central to the franchise is the IDW comics books. Even then, that origin is so spread out, told in bits and pieces over the years that is difficult to have a cohesive story. The origin was also restarted when IDW relaunched the comics franchise in 2019. I tried to write a summary but its pretty complicated. The very short version is the planet's Autobot leadership became corrupted by the upper class and through some events declared planetwide martial law. Orion Pax and Megatron worked together to eventually overthrow it as the abuses mounted. As a result of all the Autobot corruption he had to wade through (including killing two Primes), Megatron decided only he should lead the planet instead of Optimus Prime, who was anointed as leader by the true Matrix of Leadership. I suspect a movie version will cut through the complexity and focus on the rise of Megatron and reluctant leader Orion Pax who joins his cause against the corrupt government with difference in leadership styles and morality playing a huge part in how they eventually become enemies. Update: Collider posted a little bit more of their interview with Di Bonaventura where he revealed, "I'm not sure if I'm supposed to divulge it, but I'm going to. ILM is doing the animation." Industrial Light & Magic got its start on the Star Wars films and is more or less responsible for nearly every single visual effects breakthrough used in movies (including the previous Transformers films) so what they do with Transformers should be amazing. As far as quality, I believe the last animated film they did was Rango which they won an Oscar for.

"Beast WARS; The Dawn Of Unicron👹"

NOT Nessisarily Speculitive! For ANYONE NOT Believing That Bay HIMSELF Disliked #TheLastKnight & IS DIRECTLY Involved with Wanting To Do An Evergreen Sequel, Which Ties EVERYTHING TOGETHER! (Even MeganFox Was Originally Set To Appear in #DarkOfTheMoon But Her Anti-Semitic Remarks Were TOO MUCH For #Spielberg!) https://youtu.be/gTbOBL5CEhc, Sorry...JackBurns Was S7 & Despite Fans & Cena Wishing For A Connection, There Isn't. https://screenrant.com/gi-joe-john-cena-duke-theory-producer-response/ HOWEVER...Porter C. Powell (ALSO Seen in Bumblebee🐝), Along with #PrometheusBlack ARE Being Considered For Sequel. https://youtu.be/gRGkUMHxdag, https://youtu.be/trDURy1tORI, https://youtu.be/itnqEauWQZM, https://youtu.be/KhytnG5lZEQ Writers Have MORE Control Then Directors; Who Are HIRED By Producers! What Does It Mean To Produce? Well...To CREATE! A Director ONLY Gives Direction Such As: "Stand Here & Look Angry" Bumblebee Started-Off As A Prequel, THEN When #TravisKnight Added The Intro, HE Wanted It To Be A Reboot. But VAST Producers, Paramont and Even Hasbro Wanted To Keep Continuity; In-Order To Maintain Toy Sales... TRUTH: As THAT'S The ENTIRE POINT Of Transformers; To Sell Toys!! (#TravisKnight ONLY Directed Bee🐝 & THIS ONE Has Steven Caple Jr) TWO Seperate Folks... But ROTB Was Inspired By Energon Series & 1986 Film, with Elements From "Robots in Disguise" (2000). To Better Understand Why The #Maximals Are Involved, Rewatch: #BeastWars S1E25 and 26; (#OtherVoices Parts 1 and 2) Along with S2E1; "Coming Of The Fuzors", #DoubleDinobot, Maximal, No More" & "Code Of A Hero"(Dinobots Death). Along with: "Bad Spark" & The Tragic Tale Of "Transmutate". As Look👀, ONLY "Age Of Extinction" & "The Last Knight" Were TRULY Trash🗑 But I Blame Nerdy🤓 #Scriptwriters Who Wanted #TheKnightsTemplar? Along with Casting Marky-Mark!! MOST #Dinobots Were GREAT...Except For Strafe and Having BabyDinos?? There Was Even A Green #Slag (Stegosaurus) Toy! WHERE WAS HE? Lorenzo Hints At Future: "MORE Maximals & A NEW Villian You Allready Know... But Seen in A Different Way." Like I've BEEN Saying: BW Megs, But NOT As A T-Rex!! Why Do Soo MANY Dislike Lorenzo? The Man CLEARLY Has Passion For Structure & Continuity, As Opposed To Folks Crapping Out Remakes! Sure, Bayverse May Have Had Some Issues...But They CERTAINLY AREN'T Disney! Look, NBE-01 IS STILL ON ICE⛄. While The Predacon Version is STILL Being Tooled; As They Haven't Decided WHICH Version To Use? At ONE POINT, He Was Slated To Be A Dragon🐉and YES, We Could Have EASILY Re-Rendered Autobot; #Dragonstorm with A Mashup Of AOE; #Grimlock s Head. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Dragonstorm Basicly Doing An Homage To BOTH #Shenron & PR-RedDragon #ThunderZord (#Serpentera). Look, MOST Screenplays Are Written By WRITERS...NOT Producers! Producers Help Pay For Films & Hire Writers & Directors. Whereas Distributors Market Films To Various Areas/Countries! Lorenzo & #TomSanto Have ALWAYS Been Producers On ALL The Live-Action Transformer Films, Since 2005; When Hasbro GAVE #TomSanto The Film Rights, Providing That Spielberg Was Involved. Spielberg Was The One Who Recommended Bay & Left Due To Shia & Megan's Rather Controversial Anti-Semetic & Lewd Remarks Torwards BOTH Directors? https://youtu.be/gTbOBL5CEhc

Monday, April 3, 2023

Who To Complain To About Disney Animation

For Those Who Are Having Issues with Various Animated Projects at Disney: Clark Spencer (WDAS-Pres.), Amy C. Astley (SVP; Publicity, Comm, Creative and Branding). Tindal J. Mandesa (VP; Marketing and Synergy) Josie R. Trinidad (Head Of Story) ClarkSpencer@Disney.com Astley.Amy@Disney.com MandesaTindal@DisneyAnimation.com Josie.Trinidad@DisneyAnimation.com ClarkSpencer@Gmail.com, AmyAstley@yahoo.com, Tindal.Mandesa@yahoo.com Josiel.Trinidad@yahoo.com, AmyAstley@Gmail.com, Josiel.Trinidad@Gmail.com, They're LEGIT Numbers: Cell: (818) 787-3365, Work: (818) 396-4439, Home: (818) 460-7952, Work: (661) 755-0405, Home: (213) 555-3350, Southwest 98th Ter, Pembroke Pines, FL and Belleau Rd, Glendale, CA and Zenobia Wy, Sacramento, CA Elisabeth R. & Sarah W. Then Samuel & Sandra=Dad & Mom, Angela=Younger Sister.

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