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R.I.P. Joanie Laurer "Chyna"

Look Again My Friend...Her Muscles Have Deflated....She Is Certainly A Woman!!!
for more info. and read very closely.
Brief History of WWE's C.M PUNK...

CM Punk at a Smackdown taping. Prominently visible are the Pepsi Globe tattoo on his left shoulder, the "luck is for losers" sleeve tattoo on his left arm, and the "Straight Edge Society" tattoo across his stomach. He got the Pepsi tattoo as a joke, as many fraternity members in his school were getting beer logos tattooed on their bodies. Punk, a keen Pepsi drinker, choose to receive a Pepsi tattoo to emphasize his straight edge beliefs. The tattoo is also a reference to former Minor Threat guitarist Brian Baker, who had a Coca-Cola tattoo and explained this by saying "I like Coca-Cola". When people inquire about Punk's Pepsi tattoo, he often replies "I like Pepsi" in a similar fashion. A sleeve tattoo on his left arm that reads "luck is for losers" and features numerous good luck symbols, including a rabbit's foot, four-leaf clover and a horseshoe. The tattoo also features four ace playing cards as a tribute to trainer Ace Steel. A tattoo on the back of his left hand reading "No gimmicks needed", which was a tribute to deceased wrestler Chris Candido. A tattoo on his right shoulder of the Cobra Command logo, Aka; G.I. Joe's enemy. He also has a rose tattooed on his left wrist. A tattoo on his knuckles are the words "DRUG FREE" ("DRUG" on his right knuckles and "FREE" on his left). A tattoo behind his left ear of a blue star. A tattoo on his chest, the design of which is unknown but includes a skull and a dragon.

"The Undertaker" collects Harley-Davidson and West Coast Choppers motorcycles and purchased his first brand new motorcycle after defeating Hulk Hogan for the WWF Championship at the 1991 Survivor Series. Calaway even had a custom motorcycle built for him by Jesse James, the founder of West Coast Choppers. He also enjoys listening to bands: AC/DC, Judas Priest, Kiss, Lordi, Black Sabbath, Quiet Riot, Slayer, Poison, Twisted Sister, Motley Crue, Guns N' Roses, Metallica, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Ozzy Osbourne and Black Label Society who appointed him an Honorary member. Calaway also frequented many Rock festivals and joined various Metal forums such as Calaway was romantically linked to fellow wrestler Michelle McCool, whom he married on June 26, 2010 in Houston, Texas. he has several tattoos: a gravedigger, which he refers to as "Original Deadman", skulls, a castle, and a wizard. When talking about his body art, he has said that there is kind of a medieval thing going-on on his arms. He also has a dancing skeleton on the back of his neck and has a tattoo on his stomach that says BSK Pride. As a wedding gift, Calaway had his second wife's name tattooed on his throat.

(UFC) Brock Lesner, (Black Guy w/Blonde Hair)
(WWE) Vladamir Volkoff. Ivan Koloff, Mark Henry,
(WWE) "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Jerry "The King" Lawler,
(WWE) Road Warriors/Legion Of Doom; Animal & Hawk,
(WWE) Chainsaw Charlie, KoKo B. Ware, Cactus Jack,
(WWE) Hillbilly Jim, Junkyard Dogg, Doink the clown,
(WWE) Ric Flair, Eddie Guerrero, Vader, Yokozuna,
(WWE) Jake "The Snake" Roberts, "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka
(WWE) Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, MVP, Mean Gene,
(WWE) Goldust, Dusty Rhodes, King Kong Bundy,
(WWE) Edge, KANE (Masked Only), Shawn Michaels,
(WWE) The Great Khali & The Punjabi Prison Ring
(WWE) Undertaker (Purple w/Tie Only!)
(WWE) Stone Cold Steve Austin, Booker T, Rikishi,
(WWE) Scottie Too Hottie / Grandmaster Sexay,
(WWE) Bald Kurt Angle, Trish Stratus,
(WWE) Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake, Scott Steiner,
(WWE) One Man Gang, "Dr. Death" Steve Williams,
(TNA) "Mouth Of The South" Jimmy Hart, Andy Kaufman,
(ECW) Buh-Buh Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley,
(WWF) Junkyard Dog's Theme (Another One Bites The Dust -Queen)
(WWE) The Big Show, Andre The Giant, Sting,
(WWE) Bam-Bam Bigelow, Jeff Hardy, RVD-Rob Van Damne,
(TNA/WWE) "The Outlaw" Kip James/"Mr.Ass" Billy Gunn
(WCW/TNA/WWE) Syxx-Pac/X-Pac,
(WCW/WWE) K-Kwik/R-Truth, (UFC) Tito Ortiz
(WWE/UFC) Ken Shamrock, (UFC) Chuck Liddell,
(ROCKY) MR.T, Perfect APOLLO, Bruised Rocky,
Most Previous Wrestlers Are Now
Under The TNA Mantle Since 2008!
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