Oh And This Time I'm Bringing You More Images From The TFG1-Universe Collection!
PLUS, The Re-Emergance Of TF-Animated....IN JAPAN!!! (Show Even Has Better Intro!)

A Better G1 Era-Remake/New Mold Is Avalible Online From: IMPOSSIBLE TOYS!
(The Old 95' ENERGON ARCEE Looks Good, But Does Not Resemble It's G1 Counterpart!)
New Title: Transformers: Day of Reckoning
ReplyDeleteOK To Rosie (Carly), Glad Megan's Gone!
But No UNICRON....I AM FRIENDS With Several Hundred Who Attend Conventions (SDCC, SciFi, StarTrek, BotCon...etc)
And Most Of Them, Even Ms.Ward (Baroness/Screamers)
Agrees That The Fembots/Omnicons Were Great In ROTF And
That Most Bots (Soundwave, Sideswipe, Fems, Volt/Jolt And A Few Others Needed More To Say!
But To Top It Off We ALL Agree That By Putting Rodimus In There Without UNICRON Is Just Dumb! Remember G1 Season 3, NO UNICRON--Just His Head! Everytime UNICRON Was Put Into A Crappy TF-Show, He Made Ratings GOLD Out Of Shows Filled w/Coal! All I'm Saying Is Yin/Yang, If There's No New Evil, There Should Be No New Good! And If CYBERTRON Turned Into PRIMUS And Fought UNICRON Torwards The End...WOW---GREATEST TF MOVIE EVER!
At Anonymous (5/29/2010 9:54 PM)
ReplyDeleteHmmm isn't "Day of Reckoning" a WWE game???
Yes It Is, And Who The Hell Cares About
That Skanky Megan Fox...TRANSFORMERS Wuz B4
Her, During Her And Will Stll Be Here Without Her! Heigh-Ho SILVERBOLT...AWAY!!!
TRANSFORMERS were HUGE from 1983-1989!!!
ReplyDeleteThen went on a hiatus and RETURNED in the early 90's As GENERATION-2 (same episodes...REVAMPED!)
And QUICKLY Lost Steam. Returned yet AGAIN as:
BEAST WARS (3-FULL Seasons!) to HUGE Praise!!! Then Evolved into BEAST MACHINES and ARMADA ...and the series was slowly slipping!(featuring ONLY 13-eps per SEASON...WTF??? As this eposodic formula continued HASBRO Re-Launched the franchise with ENERGON which featured UPGRADED versions of CLASSIC G1-Characters! (SOUNDWAVE, RAVAGE, MIRAGE, INFERNO, JETFIRE, HOT SHOT, RODIMUS, ARCEE, UNICRON and OMEGA SUPREME!) And SONME even returned for the next go round called: CYBERTRON! FOX even had their own series mash-up which featured AUTOBOTS vs PREDICONS? It was kinda short-lived and was called: ROBOTS IN DISGUISE OR TF-RID (To US HARDCORE TFANS!) Yes, there were plenty OTHER shows in japan, which were mostly in the 80's (HEADMASTERS, MASTERFORCE, VICTORY...etc!)
Which DID feature G1-characters, But the storylines and dialog were mostly considered by MANY as laughable at BEST!
@Anonymous (5/31/2010 1:24 PM)...
"You said Having 3 female robots
Returning characters that were terrible in the first one Having robots just to sell cars."
While i AGREE with MOST of your statements/facts,
the three above need to be dis-credited due to
the fact that those are the PRIME staples of why the films are currently being made and funded!
(As oppossed to why they wern't made before!)
The fembots/omnicons were/are baced on three episodes from the second and third seasons of
the show when it explains the GREAT WAR for CYBERTRON's freedom! (BETA and ELITA-1 are/were among the most well remembered! (Except ARCEE, who IS the most well remembered since she appeared in The ANIMATED Film AND ALL of G1-Season 3! (Plus most of the shows in japan!)
BTW...CARLY was Ze ONLY main female in G1 (80's)
@NHLFAN...Check out!
(Maybe that can help you out...a little!)
No definate answers, but it gives nice ideas!
@Anonymous (6/01/2010 10:24 PM)...
ReplyDeleteYes, It Was VERY BADLY EDITED!!! But The Fembots DID Talk, Chromia Said: "Come with Us If You Want To See Optimus!" (Or Something Like That!) (BTW...Chromia Was ONLY In 1-Episode Of G1!) I'm NOT, Nor Did I EVER Say That Jolt/Volt OR The TWINS Were Even Remotely Decent! But Mike Must Have Put Them There For A Reason...RIGHT???
While Having Wheelie (Once An Orange Omni, Now Blue RC?) Was Understandable Since BOTH He And Jetfire Were Spychangers, But Wheelie Was Also Voiced By The Same Guy Who Voiced RATRAP In The
Beast Wars / Beast Machines Shows! I Just Hope They Get Their Stories/Plots Straight This Time!
(Not To Mention...CHARACTERS! I Don't Mind New Colors OR Different Car Models...But R-and-D!!!
Bay Has Even Said That Dinobots Wern't Feasable Because It Was A Different Timeline Alltogether!
HELLO...Muesems, Plus You Can Do A Back-History
Like He Did In: ROTF...Such As:
Jurrassic/Triassic/Cretaious...Period FLASHBACKS!
Anyways...That's Just My Two-Cents On It!
Ummm...I've Been AGREEING With You On That One!
ReplyDeleteThe Fembots, Sideswipe, Soundwave And Sideways
Needed MUCH More To Say AND Screentime To Say It!
Not To Mention When Jetfire Gave Himself So
That Optimus Could Become Super/Wingsaber Just
To Drop Off Jetfire's Parts Like They Were Some
Sort Of Freakin' Bookbag...WTF??? But RAVAGE Was
In There Just Enough And TWINS...Wayyy Too Much!
Lets Start Off With Putting Lazerbeak In There,
Then Visting A Natural History Mueseum And Having
Flashbacks That Go Into The Territory Of Beast Wars
Where Grimlock (Raptor), Swoop And Snarl Are Leaving
The Preds To Join The Maximals. Then Go Back To Present
Day Where The Fossils See Sam And Go Back To Their
Prime Directive...Human Extermination, Leading Into
The Events Of The Animated Film And Moving
Into The Events Of Energon's UNICRON Saga, Which Has
Cybertron Transforming Into Primus And Battling UNICRON
Till All That's Left Is His Head. And Therefore Creating
A Rift In The Time-Space Contineum Causing The Cration Of
A Cosmic Space-Bridge! Which Leads Into A Mob
Of Decepticons Taking Over Earth And Creating Global Chaos...Aka; ARMEGEDDON!!!
(You See Where I Went With That, Bay Should Be Proud!)