Kung-Fu Panda 2, Tangled (Disney-Rupunzel)
SCREAM 4 (Arquette) TRON 2.0: Legacy (Disney)
WANTED 2, Green Lantern (DC-Ryan Reynolds)
Season of the Witch (Nick Cage-Fantasy)
007: Property of a Lady (MGM/UA/NewLine)
Godzilla, Gunsmoke, Green Hornet (Seth Rogan)
Gnomeo & Juliet (Formerlly King of Elves-Disney)
Skyline-SciFi, The Tourist (Angie Jolie, Johnny Depp)
Chronicles of NARNIA 3: the Dawn Treader (Disney)
Transformers: Dark of the Moon (Bay/LeBoeuf)
Captian America: the 1st Avenger (Marvel)
Damn Yankees, Twilight Saga 3: Breaking Dawn (Meyer)
Underworld 4, Enchanted 2, The SMURFS (Sony/Peyo)
STAR TREK 2, Deadpool, Magneto & THOR (Marvel),
Eternal, Doctor Strange & DareDevil (Reboot-Marvel)
Spiderman 3D (Remake w/Gwen & the Lizard) (Marvel)
CARS 2, MONSTERS INC pt.2 & BRAVE (Pixar),
Wolverine 2 & The AVENGERS (All-Star Team- Marvel)
the Black Hole, Wonder Woman (DC/Legendary Pictures)
Harry Potter: and the Deatly Hallows pt.2 (WB)
GI*JOE 2: Sting of Serpentor (Working title/Hasbro)
Ghost Rider: Spirits of Vengeance (Nick Cage/Marvel)
Paranormal Activity 3, Madagascar 3 (Dreamworks)
ICE AGE 4: Continintal Drift (FOX) Luke Cage (Marvel)
Dilbert (S.Adams), Man of Steel & BATMAN 3 (Nolan/DC)
X-MEN: 1st Class (Marvel) MEN IN BLACK 3 (Will Smith)
Independence Day 2 (Will Smith), RANGO-3D (Johnny Depp)
Frankenweenie & Fangland, POE, Clash of the Titans 2,
POPEYE, OUIJA-Horror, KICKASS 2: Balls to the Wall,
Fraggle Rock (Brian Henson) The LORAX (Dr.Suess)
ERAGON 2: ELDEST, Ghostbusters 3, ROBOCOP (Remake)
the Lone Ranger, Indiana Jones 5 (Lucas/Spielberg)
Buffy/Slayer-Redux, The BOURNE Legacy (Matt Daemon)
Ronin, Sherlock Holmes 2: Moriarti (Robert Downey Jr)
Where's Waldo? MAD MAX: Fury Road, Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Percy Jackson & the Olympians 2, CastleVania (Ube Boll)
Bride of Franenstien, Naked Gun 4: Rhythum of Evil,
Tomorrowland, The Outer Limits, The Raven, The School,
Talk of the Town, Pledged: Secret Life of Sororities,
Welcome Back Cotter, Yellow Submarine, Who's Your Momma,
Dorthy of OZ: Great & Powerful, Pendragon, Outlander,
Evil Dead 4/Left for Dead, Fright Night, Scary Movie 5,
I AM NUMBER 4 (I Robot 2 w/Jackman), Zoolander 2: Uber Stylist,
FastFIVE (Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, LUDACRIS, Tyrese, The ROCK)
HALO, GOONIES 2: NextGen, Freddy vs Jason 2, The RING 3D,
Johnny Quest, Death Race 2, GOD OF WAR, Teen Titans (DC)
Jurassic Park 4, ThunderCats, HELLRAISER: Origin/Remake,
Super 8 (Steven Spielberg) Blair With 3, Halloween 3D
I Saw What You Did, The Strangers 2, Psych: 9, The Ward,
Lords of Salem (Nick Cage), Dracula Year Zero, Anguish, Emergo,
The WARCRAFT Chronicles of RIDDICK: Assault on Dark Athena,
Avatar 2 & 3, The HOBBIT 1 & 2 (P.Jackson/I.McKellan)
UPDATE: Just saw "HP7: Deathly Hallows" last night, it was too slow, but decent nontheless. Too many moving scenes were cut from it, but that's the case with ALMOST any film. the Nagini and house elf scenes made it worthwhile. Allthough they should have taken a little more time and made it 3D, then it would have rawked! And BTW...Reguardless What You MAY Hear From Interweb Dumbasses, HP8: Deathly Hallows part-2 is Still Being Made & Is NOT Availible On The Net & Will NOT Be Made Public Til' July 2011...Jeez. Oh & TRON: Legacy is baced on the Xbox Video Game:
TRON 2.0: KILLER APP. Anyways, a few new trailers appeared in the Theatre
before HP7: Deathly Hallows part-1 so i thought i should update this list:
RED RIDING HOOD (3/11)(Live-Action-Horror) Collector-2: The Collection (Horror)
SUCKER PUNCH (Fantasy) THE RITE (exorcism) FINAL DESTINATION 5 (Horror)(8/11)
HAPPY FEET 2 (11/11) SHERLOCK HOLMES II: Moriarti (Robert Downey Jr.) (12/11)
Many other great Trailers can be found on http://www.upcominghorrormovies.com